Friday, May 11, 2012

5 Photographers, opening reception


What an evening that was! I don't know how many people came to the reception at Leonardo Galleries, I do know that the two hours flew by chatting with folks. There wasn't enough time to be able to talk to everyone and I do apologize if I didn't have a chance to chat with you.

Zoya (the gallery owner) put together a great exhibition, the space looked fabulous. I was impressed with how many people that little space can hold, clearly it's not that small after all.The feedback I got was very positive, people liked the images I selected to display and everyone had their own favourite. And the collected work of 5 different artistic styles was great to see... lots of different images to enjoy.

Here's one image I'll share, thanks to my son Zef for passing it along. If you didn't make it to the opening, don't worry as the exhibition is on until May 26. If you want to drop by let me know and I'll see I can join you.
With a few of my photographs, at Leonardo Galleries

 Fellow photographer Rick Bender sent me a couple of photos as well so I've updated this post to include them. Thanks Rick, I very much appreciate them.

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